
Brand Update

Desi Brand

Did the Rio 2016 Olympics Steal Their New Logo?

Like the London 2012 debacle before it, the new identity was launched to much fanfare, unveiled on New Year’s Eve on Rio’s Copacabana Beach, reportedly in front of nearly two million people. However, unlike London, since the big reveal the attention hasn’t been so much on the look and feel of the logo itself  but instead, if it was stolen. Comparisons have been made between the new Olympics logo and that of the non-profit, Colorado-based Telluride Foundation, both of which feature bright, uni-colored silhouettes holding hands in a circular formation.

1 comment :

  1. I think this is hilarious! I don’t see any resembles between the two logos. In my opinion, people are just jealous of the guys that came up with this catchy logo! Even if there are a couple of things that look alike, it is purely coincidental! If you wanna see copied logos, have a glance on the 4th photo on this page:


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