Eveready Industries India, Ltd (EIIL) (previously known as Union Carbide India, Limited) is the flagship...
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Showing posts with label BiZDoM GyAaN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BiZDoM GyAaN. Show all posts
Makeover for KAYA

Kaya Skin Clinic completely revamped its brand identity. The change is a shift in perceptions from an expert solution provider for skincare problems to a personal guide for total...
First food fat tax
Denmark has introduced what is believed to be the world's first fat tax - a surcharge on foods that are high in saturated fat.Butter, milk, cheese, pizza, meat, oil and processed...
Amul notched into top 100 Asian brands
Amul, owned and marketed by Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), has beaten all other Indian brands to notch the 89th position in a ‘Top 1000 Brands of Asia’...
Coca‑Cola – Delivering 125 Years of Happiness

Coca-Cola has been spreading joy for over 125 years. The world’s most recognized brand is over 125 years old. Officially May 8, 2011 marks the 125th anniversary of the Coca-Cola...
ImHalal, a search engine made for Muslims

It a search engine named ImHalal that will give you the ease to search the Internet without coming across any content that might be considered as ‘Haram’ according to the Islamic...
Thailand Ki Holi

Songkran is the Thai New Year which starts on April 13, during which people celebrate by splashing water at each other. Besides the throwing of water, people celebrating Songkran...
The mysterious death of Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin was the first man in outer space, when he orbited the earth in the first manned space flight exactly fifty years ago.
Gagarin was for a brief time the most famous man...
Easypaisa Money Transfer in Pakistan

Telenor Pakistan has joined hands with Tameer Micro Finance Bank to introduce branchless mobile banking....
How apple thinks different from others?

It was one of the last companies to launch smartphones, yet the iPhone already accounts for half the profits of the mobile handset industry and 20% of its revenues....
The Kraal - Mahatma Gandhi's house in Johannesburg

India once again gunning for 'The Kraal' - Mahatma Gandhi's house in Johannesburg where he had lived a century ago. Just few weeks back, Coal India Limited, was given the go ahead...
The Mini story

First introduced in 1965, the miniskirt was part of a widespread wave of sexual openness and personal freedom that was sometimes called the sexual revolution. The short skirts that...
Anatomy app for medical students on the move

Gone are the days when medical students had to share dusty, well-thumbed anatomy text books to swot up on diagrams and photographs of odd-looking pieces of lung or muscle tissue....
A main tool of historical linguistics is the set of rules of sound and grammatical transformation governing the language change. One language evolves into another due to cultural...
The Story of Howard Head: How One Man Reinvented Two Industries

It was the spring of 1947 and Howard Head was an engineer for the Martin aircraft company. Needing a break from work, he joined a few friends for a week of skiing. By the end of...
I-Mark: India's Quality benchmark for design

The India Design Council launched a campaign to foster awareness about good design in India by launching a quality benchmark - the I-Mark –a tag which, upon conferment, will denote...
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