1. When Takashi Hashiyama, CEO of a Japanese television equipment manufacturer, decided to auction off the collection of impressionist paintings owned by his corporation, including...
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Showing posts with label MindGame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MindGame. Show all posts
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Debasish Mukherjee Part 1

1. The Tata’s forayed into Retail when they bought a British departmental store in Bangalore. Name this departmental store.
2. He was the youngest division chief in the World Bank...
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Sudip Roy Part 2

Trivia on Indian River names
1. The original name of this river is after sage Vishwamitra. present name is a corruption of the original
2. Name of this river makes it ... in bollywood...
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Sudhindra Duvvuri Part-1

1. Explain what happens next.
2. Identify the "great" man.
3. The name of which South Indian Brahmin community comes from the Telugu words meaning "father or sire" and "ji" ?
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Sudip Roy Part 1

1.what is the single word in Sanskrit / Bengali to describe heaven and earth together ?
2.In one of the Indian epics, One character married the girl who his cousin loved and wanted...
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Sneha Jha Part-1

1.X adopted the famous pseudonym after a stint of imprisonment ,as an anagram of the Latinized spelling of the original surname and the initial letters of 'le jeune' meaning 'the...
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Anindya Bhattacharjee Part-1

1. Which artform is believed to have originated time of the Ramayana, when King Janak ordered the artists in his kingdom to make beautiful paintings for the wedding of his daughter,...
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Aniruddha Dutta Part-1

1. It is the world's oldest extant international organization. Its authority comes from agreements made at the Congress of Vienna, held in 1815 in the aftermath of the Napoleonic...
Mind Game: Archive::QM:- Priyanka Mukherjee Part-1

1. X Y and Z are three of the most successful actors of their country. X was named Y(first name only) in a film directed by a blood-relative of Z. Y won a supporting actor filmfare...
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