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Showing posts with label Start-ups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Start-ups. Show all posts


LetsShave is started by Sidharth Oberoi. It is an online store that sells razors and other shaving supplies for men and women on subscription basis. Claims to offer India's first...

Corporate Acquisitions of Startups: Why Do They Fail?

Corporate Acquisitions of Startups: Why Do They Fail?
by steveblank The Innovation PortfolioMost large companies manage three types of innovation: process innovation (making existing products incrementally better), continuous...

Sean Parker Launches Civic Startup To Disrupt American Political Engagement

Sean Parker Launches Civic Startup To Disrupt American Political Engagement
Remember Justin Timberlake's character from The Social Network? He was Sean Parker, who in real life co-founded Napster, the computer program that illuminated to teenagers...

Brilliant ideas that were originally rejected

Brilliant ideas that were originally rejected
When Evan Spiegel, co-founder of Snapchat, floated the idea in April 2011 in front of the product design class for his final project, classmates balked at the idea of the impermanent...

Take A Q - Take A Bow !

Take A Q - Take A Bow !
Purity whenever, wherever seen, heard or felt always is fascinating! One doesn’t have to search for it’s intensity or motive, because it is always clean, transparent and brimming...
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