
Desi Brand

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Showing posts with label SexY TiDBiT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SexY TiDBiT. Show all posts

FIFA World Cup, Brazil 2014: Meet Lorena Gálvez, the godmother of the Chilean team

FIFA World Cup, Brazil 2014: Meet Lorena Gálvez, the godmother of the Chilean team
In an online voting the people of Chile have chosen Lorena Gálvez as the "Mother of Red". Gálvez have started the campaign for the Chilean team, by making a body paint session. ...

“Do It for Denmark” and get Ovulation Discounts!!

“Do It for Denmark” and get Ovulation Discounts!!
Spies Travels, a Danish travel agency, have conceived of a promotion to help reverse Denmark's plummeting birthrate. They're offering a discount for couples who travel during...

Urban hypothermia

 Urban hypothermia
What is an  urban hypothermia? It is a condition in which young women and men wear skimpy clothes in cold regions to show off their body or a tattoo. In 2006, such cases were...

Now Suck Beer Flavored Lollipops

Now Suck Beer Flavored Lollipops
A San Francisco born & Austin raised candy company Lollyphile has recently launched three new beer flavored lollipops, like: IPA, lager, and stout....

blueMotion, the Next Generation of sex toy

blueMotion, the Next Generation of sex toy
OhMiBod, a husband and wife-owned company headquartered in New Hampshire, recently launched their blueMotion, a Bluetooth-activated pair of vibrating underwear.  OhMiBod...

Women Strip, Men Learn coding on “Code Babes” Website.

Women Strip, Men Learn coding on “Code Babes” Website.
A website which features tutorials on coding explicitly designed to resemble internet porn has created outrage online. The site - 'Codebabes' - could be a joke. Or...

Wonderbra launches Ultimate Plunge bra campaign with bungee jump

Wonderbra launches Ultimate Plunge bra campaign with bungee jump
Aimed at those who want to wear the daring necklines favoured by stars such as Jennifer Lopez, the Ultimate Plunge bra promises to do away with the need for tape to protect their...

The economic performance of a country related to penis size?

The economic performance of a country related to penis size?
Q. Does Size matter..? A. Yes very much for the entire nation Q. How..? A. This may be biggest joke of the year but someone calling himself Tatu Westling, a doctoral student in...

A detector of "rape drugs" is developed

A sensor that can detect date-rape drugs in drinks with an accuracy of 100 per cent has been developed by scientists. The device works in real-time so instantly alerts the user as...

Groupon Is Now Selling Boob Jobs

Groupon Is Now Selling Boob Jobs
Groupon's deal of the day in Paris this morning is... a breast augmentation. "New! Finally treat yourself to the chest of your dreams for 2,499 euros instead of 5,430 in a private...

Zappos uses nude models to sell you clothes

Zappos uses nude models to sell you clothes
IF sex sells, then nudity cannot be far behind. At least that is what Zappos, the online retailer, hopes with its new advertising campaign featuring naked models doing everyday things...

World Bodypainting Festival

World Bodypainting Festival
“Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for...

PORNISTAN, PAkistan is second best in sex searches

PORNISTAN, PAkistan is second best in sex searches
Pakistan may well be named PORNISTAN after search trends thrown by Google indicate that it is the world leader in Porn searches. Source:

Mass Yoga Session at Times Square

Mass Yoga Session at Times Square
Thousands of yogis attend the free day-long event in Manhattan on the longest day of the year. ...

Please Do Not Disturb!

Please Do Not Disturb!
Riot police walk in the street as a couple kiss on June 15, 2011 in Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver broke out in riots after their hockey team the Vancouver Canucks lost in Game Seven...

Solar Bikini goes into very limited production

Solar Bikini goes into very limited production
New York designer Andrew Schneider is currently taking very limited orders for his Solar Bikini - beachwear that can also power portable device like media players or mobile phon...

Captain Condom

Captain Condom
Captain Condom has been created with teens and sexual awareness in mind. With concerns for Teen Pregnancy, HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases rampant in our society,...

World Sex Records infographic

World Sex Records infographic

Playboy Club London

Playboy Club London
Playboy bunnies purred down the catwalk in London earlier today as part of the launch celebration for the opening of Hugh Hefner's new Playboy Club London. The show showcased...

Slutwalk Hits Melbourne's Streets

Slutwalk Hits Melbourne's Streets
Women talk during a Slutwalk march for the right of women to wear what they want without harassment on May 28, 2011 in Melbourne, Australia. The Slutwalk began with a small protest...
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