
Desi Brand

Sean Parker Launches Civic Startup To Disrupt American Political Engagement

Remember Justin Timberlake's character from The Social Network? He was Sean Parker, who in real life co-founded Napster, the computer program that illuminated to teenagers around the world that pirating the latest Metallica and Limp Bizkit tracks was possible outside of a tape deck. After his success with that venture and also as an investor of Facebook, Parker is pouring millions into a civic startup hoping to make America a more Democratic place.
Called Brigade Media LLC, the platform will look to tackle voter efficacy and turnout during elections at all levels in America, according to Politico. Though it's not said how exactly Brigade plans to do that, an SEC document filed Monday shows that Parker – who will act as chief executive and chairman of the company – and a few big-name associates, like Facebook's first Washington Evangelist Adam Conner and former LinkedIn SVP David Henke, believe enough in it to put $9.3 million dollars into the young startup.


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