Q1. In 2013, Armenian-born Aro Agakhanyan's company entered the Guinness World Records for his creation that is commercially now available at $199.99. However, a feat undertaken recently by one of his employees Mr. Martirosyan has brought the company a lot of press.
Identify the company and its recent claim to fame.
Q2. On March 6, 1912, almost 100 years ago, it was first sold to a grocer in Hoboken named S. C. Thuesen for 30 cents per pound. They were packaged in bulk tins then. Around 450 billion of them have been sold worldwide since they first hit the market. The stretch of West 15th Street between 9th and 10th avenues in New York City where they were first produced now bears its name. What, first produced almost a 100 years back, is this?
Q3. The Grass Ceiling, Inc. was established in 1995 and has been a leading service provider to the sporting industry, offering professional consultation and management. Which specific category of people do they cater to?
Q4. He was born in Pakistan in 1957, one of three children.His parents were medical missionaries, and he spent most of his early life in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. He studied at a boarding school in the Himalayan mountains of India, Woodstock School, before moving to a boarding school in Bath, England. At Oxford University, he studied Physics, then changed to Politics, Philosophy and Economics, to eventually graduate in 1978. He began a career in journalism, working on local newspapers, then producing a world news service in the Seychelles. In August 2010, he went back to his birth place of Pakistan to distribute LifeSaver jerry cans in aid of the floods there. Identify this entrepreneur and his acquisition.
Q5. It was launched on August 12, 1999, as a spare time project by Senh Duong. His inspiration came when, as a fan of Jackie Chan, Duong started collecting all the reviews of Chan's movies as they were coming out in the United States. What?
Q6. The most popular brand to date in the United States for the Kellogg company is not a cereal. Which non cereal brand is this, millions of which are sold each year.
Q7. The term was first used by Sir Walter Scott in Ivanhoe to describe a "medieval mercenary warrior" indicating that he is not sworn to any lord's services and not available free of charge. It changed to a figurative noun around the 1860s and was recognized as a verb in 1903 by authorities in etymology such as the Oxford English Dictionary. Only in modern times has the term morphed from a noun into an adjective , a verb and an adverb. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2005, there were approximately 10.3 million of them. Which term?
Q8. The word comes from the Old English word for a torch of burning piece of wood. It also came to mean an "identifying mark made by a hot iron". Popular folklore has it that American distilleries would do this to the wood casks they shipped alcohol in and that this is the origin of the term. They are certainly the ones credited with the term, although details are hard to find. Which word?
Q9. What phrase is said to be the most oft-printed warning in the history of the printed word? And its not - Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health.
1. Papa John's
2. Oreo
3. Corporate female golfers as in women who wouldn’t get promoted coz they weren’t golfing buddies with upper management
4. Chris Anderson of Ted.com
5. Rotten Tomatoes
6. Pop Tarts
7. Freelancer
8. Brand
9. It’s on the Matchbox - Close Cover Before Striking
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