
Desi Brand

Winners of DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme - 2011

When Kerala-based engineer Nelvin Thomas set up his company, it coincided with the height of recession. Hence, he and his partners decided to concentrate on devices that would save money for companies. And, it was the beginning of an artificial intelligence-based power system that saves 40% energy, and has now won Thomas worldwide recognition. His product is all set to be marketed in the UK and the US. He is on his way to Finland to represent India as one of the top 50 global innovators, having been adjudged by the World Bank.

* Abhishek Sinha is no biologist, but he was always fascinated by the eco-system. No wonder, he took a fancy for neighbourhood retail shop, which markets everything from soaps to SIM cards, and decided to integrate that into a banking system. This helps a local grocer in rural India to become a human ATM, thanks to the use of a cellphone. Jointly founded along with his brother, his firm has signed agreements with State Bank of India and ICICI Bank.
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About the Programme
The DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Program is a two-year, nation-wide project, created to enhance the growth and development of India's entrepreneurial economy. The Program is equally funded by Department of Science and Technology (Gov. of India) and Lockheed Martin Corporation, and was developed with the assistance of the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, IC2 Institute at the University of Texas, and FICCI.

Detail List of the winners
Technology No : 2163
Technology Name : 3nethra - In intelligent pre-screening ophthalmology
Innovator Name : Dr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao
The technology is a portable, intelligent, non-invasive, non-mydriatic, low cost fundus
camera that helps in pre-screening of five eye diseases namely cataract, diabetic
retina, glaucoma, cornea issues & refractive index measurements.

Technology No : 1746
Technology Name : Nano Ganesh
Innovator Name : Mr.Santosh Ostwal
The technology is a mobile based remote control system for the agriculture water
pumps and Diesel Generator sets.

Technology No : 1730
Technology Name : Adsorbent for used frying oil
Innovator Name : Dr.Padma S Vankar
This is a designed bi-layered adsorbent filtration technology for the purification and reuse of used cooking oil.

Technology No : 2223
Technology Name : XAPP
Innovator Name : Ms.Prachi Raj
This technology is an executable application that lets marketers showcase their
products on their own website, and/or extend to mobile devices.

Technology No : 1759
Technology Name : Enterprise Energy Management using Wireless Sensor
Innovator Name : Mr.Jay Krishnan
This technology enables Smart Energy Monitoring & Control, physical Security
Management and Industrial Automation for the enterprise sector allowing to manage
their energy consumption and monitor /control their carbon footprint.

Technology No : 1958
Technology Name : Artificial Intelligence based power management system
Innovator Name : Mr.Nelvin Joseph
The technology is a hardware cum software bundle which is capable of saving up to
47% of power from electronic and electrical devices using Artificial intelligence based algorithms.

Technology No : 1980
Technology Name : Mobile Banking
Innovator Name : Mr. Abhishek Sinha
This technology is a system & software process solution to allow a person to become
engaged in the banking and financial system in a rural setting using only a simple cell phone.

Technology No : 1760
Technology Name : Steel Drums
Innovator Name : Mr.Balbir Onkar Singh
The technology is a process for manufacturing steel drums that are 30 percent lighter than existing steel drums with a reduced weight and the cost of the drum.

Technology No : 1567
Technology Name : Novel Topical Microemulsion Formulations for the
treatment of Rheumetic Disorders and Related Infec
Innovator Name : Dr. Manu Chaudhary
This technology is a combination of herbal drugs in a topical micro emulsion for the treatment of different types of arthritis.

Technology No : 2012
Technology Name : Hairminator
Innovator Name : Ms.Mrinmayee Bhushan
The technology is an all-natural, plant based crème establishment of plant derived lectin that inhibits hair growth for men and women of all ages.

Technology No : 1769
Technology Name : BCMS - Business Continuity Management System
Innovator Name : Mr.Sundar Raman
The technology is an Algorithm and Software to monitor, track and automate DR drills and failovers for heterogeneous environments.

Technology No : 1405
Technology Name : Low consumption “Air Conditioning/ Refrigeration
system” in AutoLPG Vehicles
Innovator Name : Mr. Annida Sircar
This Technology is a process which utilizes the untapped captive energy available in compressed AutoLPG Fuel, providing cooling @ 92 Watts/ Kg and Cooling efficiency of 95%.

Technology No : 1532
Technology Name : EasySecured Password Less Online Authentication
Innovator Name : Mr. Gurudatt Shenoy
EasySecured Password is an authentication technology removing the need for websites
to store sensitive password information. ESP is designed to mitigate security risks
resulting from connecting authentication to humans through a specific password or

Technology No : 1701
Technology Name : DSP based Adaptive Control Algorithm for Aerospace &
Innovator Name : Mr.Praveen S. Jambholkar
The technology is an adaptive algorithm that tracks and controls the fins on a missile. It enhances target tracking and accuracy and requires no hardware changes.

Technology No : 1564
Technology Name : Sanjeevani Disaster management package
Innovator Name : Mr.Ladkat Rajendra Vithal
The technology is an emergency equipment i.e. multipurpose floating stretcher and
multipurpose rescue kit/first aid kit.

Technology No : 2097
Technology Name : TMail
Innovator Name : Mr.Vishal Shah
This technology is a document management system, integrated into a complete
standalone IT solution for small businesses,enhancing their task oriented coordination.

Technology No : 2218
Technology Name : Photonic Smard Card
Innovator Name : Dr.Ajith Kumar P.T
This technology is a smart card that uses photonic data storage technology based on
holograms to provide extremely high levels of data storage, on a thin card.

Technology No : 2037
Technology Name : Non-humid air cooler
Innovator Name : Mr.Altaf A Tinwala
This technology is a combination of heat exchanger and an evaporative air cooler that
uses less energy than conventional air cooling systems to produce low humidity cooled
air at a lower cost.

Technology No : 1495
Technology Name : Vidyut - Context Sensitive, over the cloud, energy
efficiency solutions for SmartGrid,Smart Meters
Innovator Name : Mr.S. Uma Mahesh
This technology is a wireless two-way communication network that controls a
building's electricity usage through integration with a smart grid system.

Technology No : 1649
Technology Name : Lagre scale production of biofungicide spores using citrus
peel waste.
Innovator Name : Mr. Pushpendra Awadhiya
This technology is a crop pest control that uses a naturally occurring fungus called
Trichoderma to eliminate certain insects and funguses that plague crops such as
chili’s, eggplants, and cotton.

Technology No : 2189
Technology Name : Ipintentio IC Design Platform
Innovator Name : Mr.Arijit Dutta
This technology is a blend of a web-based platform and services enabling effective VLSI
design flow implementation and management, education, training and online digital IP

Technology No : 2053
Technology Name : Education tool for fiber optic communication
Innovator Name : Mr.Hitesh Mehta
The technology is a unique hardware tool, embedded with software to teach state of art
fiber optic communication technology.

Technology No : 1447
Technology Name : Copy Protection/Authentication for Video
Innovator Name : Mr.Aniruddha R Gupte
The technology is a software platform designed to transform the distribution of video,
audio and other media formats by enabling secure, monetized distribution from
anywhere, to anyone, on any medium, at any time.

Technology No : 1456
Technology Name : Solar Tracker and Concentrator
Innovator Name : Dr.Rajarshi Banerjee
This technology is comprised of a mechanical device, electronic circuit, control
algorithm and actuation mechanism for solar tracking.

Technology No : 1637
Technology Name : Enhancement of Oral Bioavailability of Ester Prodrug
Innovator Name : Dr. Shamrez Ali M
This technology is directed to a pharmaceutical composition for enhancing the oral
bioavailability of a prodrug ester by formulating the ester as a non-aqueous
formulation with medicum chain triglycerides.

Technology No : 1865
Technology Name : Content Verification
Innovator Name : Mr.Ashish Anand
This technology is an integrated solution of non-invasive scanning, machine vision
technique, proprietary smart labels to verify the count and attest the originality of the
contents inside sealed boxes.

Technology No : 1658
Technology Name : Simple software program on web to help manage indian
SME business
Innovator Name : Mr. Sharath Chander
The technology is a software application that integrates management information
across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales,
warehousing and service, etc.

Technology No : 1663
Technology Name : Automatic Dental X-ray Processor
Innovator Name : Mr.VaibhavTidke
The technology is an Automatic Dental X-ray Film Processor that carries out series of
chemical reactions with X-ray film to get finished X-ray film.

Technology No : 1509
Technology Name : Innovative & Cost Effective Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis
Innovator Name : Mr.Mayank Pareek
The technology is an adjustable and low cost knee-ankle-foot orthopeadic device. The
device provides an adjustability mechanism for knee, ankle, and foot.

Technology No : 1974
Technology Name : Urine Albukit
Innovator Name : Mr.Sarabjeet Singh Johar
This technology is a One-Minute Home Test Kit for quickly and precisely identifying
presence of albumin and micro albumin in the urine.

1 comment :

  1. It really fantastic , but need more media coverage to bring growth and talent


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