Originally established in 1600, through the Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I, The East India Company is one of the most recognised brands in the world today; over two billion people know of its history. At its height the East India Company (EIC) controlled 50% of world trade, bringing tea and coffee to the breakfast tables of the West and spices around the globe.
Now, 136 years after it was dissolved, the business is being relaunched - by an Indian entrepreneur. And, initially anyway, it will be a rather more modest enterprise.Sanjiv Mehta, CEO of the The East India Company:
UK based Indian entrepreneur, Sanjiv Mehta graduated from Sydenham College, Mumbai University in finance and went on to study Gemmology. In 1983, Mehta joined the family Diamond trading business. He initiated the Jewellery business & built one of the first mail order businesses of Fine Jewellery in India and initiated wholesale operations in Middle East, USA & Japan. In 1988, he set up an International trading house in London with a special interest in metals, petrochemicals & agro-commodities. He continued to expand his business eastwards by setting up FMCG & engineering businesses in Russia. In 2005, Sanjiv Mehta became the owner of The East India Company.
Key Historical Dates:
1600 Queen Elizabeth I, grants a charter to ‘The Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies’, bestowing her royal patronage and empowering them to trade exclusively in spices, tea, coffee and other luxury goods from the East. The Queen also grants The Company right to bear a Coat of Arms.
1669 King Charles grants control of Bombay to The Company. Later, The Company gets the right to mint currency, have its own army, and hold judicial and administrative power over all parts of India under its control.
1757 The East India Company is a powerful multinational corporation with its own army, navy, and treasury. It virtually controls international commerce of China, India, Japan, Far East, West Indies and American East Coast. Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, St. Lucia and many other cities and townships are formed by The Company.
1800 - 1842 The Company is at the pinnacle of success employing one third of the work force of England, and controlling half of the British Empire’s trade. Hong Kong and Singapore are founded by The Company.
1858 The Government of India Act transfers The Company’s powers to the Crown.
1874 Parliament passes the East India Company Stock Dividend Redemption Act dissolving The Company and Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India.
2005 Sanjiv Mehta becomes the sole owner of The East India Company.
2010 The East India Company brand is re-launched and the Company is re-born.
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