
Desi Brand

Tata crucible 2008 CampUs QuiZ -Indore edition

Contributed by : Pranay Airan

1. whisper is a product of which foriegn comapany...(P&G)
2. who is called thinking gurur something like tha
3 a comapany which own something and have a completly diffrent business (nestle)
4 a song of dhoom2 ask for production comapany
5 indias top agriculture institute(NABARD)
6 photos of founder of fisher price they ask there comapany
7 symbol of a steel comapany(arcelor)
8 shyama benagal film who have 1000 producer who are they(amul corporation)
9 2 question of some book author they have given two options for answering(easy one)
12 a sunflower oil making comanay(wipro)
13 vadilala natural, nandini etc what comapny is all they(ice cream comapny)
14 1 add of visa ask for comany
15 1 advetise of

in final linking question...
1st they show pictures of indra gandhi sardar patel rajiv gandhi etc and ask them to relate(all are the names of international airport)

2nd a picture of paris hilton movie WB and one more ask to relate(paris hilton is answer)

3 a picture of lacoste p&g logo and 2 more (all are owened by same parent comany P&G)

some question related to economical term like hetch fund etc...
in Tata world round they ask
1 a question related to big deal sign by Tata chemicals
2 a pic of tata tea old one and ask its name(some south indian name it is)

a technology related question was ask about is
1. what is dell world in dell corporation(its an initiative by dell and nature foundation to make recyclabel computers..)
1 question is which football club has its own channel(menchester united)

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