
Desi Brand

BiZdOm 3 * 3 Business QuiZ 17

1. In 1980, Alain Bélanger, a research chemist, was working with Georges Teutsch at Roussel Uclaf, a French pharmaceutical company. Teutsch and Bélanger were interested in understanding how changes in steroids affect the chemicals’ ability to bind to their steroid receptors. Result was “RU-486”, the first commercially available drug for that purpose, for what purpose “ RU-486 “ being invented.?
--RU-486 was the first commercially available drug that prevented fertilized eggs from implanting themselves in the walls of women’s uteruses.
2. It was first inexpensive and easy-to-use camera available to the general public, revolutionizing photography by making it possible for every person to become a photographer. Its advertisements proclaimed that everyone—even children—could take good pictures with the camera.
-- Brownie camera
3. Working for the General Electric Research Laboratory, Nobel laureate Irving Langmuir and his assistant researcher and technician, Vincent Joseph Schaefer, began an intensive study of precipitation and its causes. This lead to a very useful invention, name the invention?
-- Cloud seeding, Technique for inducing rainfall by distributing dry ice or silver nitrate into reluctant rainclouds.

1. In 1849, Elisha King Root went to work for Samuel Colt at his Connecticut factory and proved to be a manufacturing genius. He used “this management concept/principle “to make the famous Colt “Six-Shooter. Later Henry Ford applied Root’s idea for the making of its car engines. Which concept are we talking?
-- Idea of “division of labor”
2. First set of experiments was carried on factory workers between 1924 and 1932. Later second set of experiments began and were supervised by Harvard University professors Elton Mayo, Fritz Roethlisberger and William J. Dickson. The effect was an important milestone in industrial and organizational psychology, organizational behavior, and Ergonomics. Name this famous management effect….
--- The term gets its name from a factory called the Hawthorne Works
3. As of January 1 2007, it has 19,216 members (including 13,491 full timer and 3,049). However demography wise South Asia has maximum [20 %]. Also according to Peter Drucker, "it was most successful staff organization in the world.”. What are we talking about?
-- Society of Jesus, a Christian religious order of the Roman Catholic Church in service to the universal Church.


1. Nicknamed as Jack, whose logo is this .. Jack, the Cingular Wireless logo.

2. Which Indian FMCG used this mythological creature as its logo? --Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Limited. Sharabha, a mythological creature having a body of a lion and the head of an elephant, was chosen as the logo of the company.

3. Name this cultural icon of the United States?--Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States , representing the six million women who worked in the manufacturing plants that produced munitions and materiel during World War II.

1 comment :

  1. Where do i get d answers for these questions??? please let me know..


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