
Desi Brand

BiZdOm 3 * 3 BiZ QuiZ 15


1. This term was introduced by Michael Silverstein and Neil Fiske to refer to a new category of products aimed at providing "Luxury To the Masses".

2. Few years back, Austria's court ruled that the brand "Walkman" had become a generic term for "portable music player" and Sony--no longer enjoyed trademark protection in Austria. Straight away people in this crazy world of jargon coined a new jargon for this event, name the new coinage?

3. In the world of jargon , what is this :
" The effect of complex and extensive accounting rules that regulate financial statement reporting and are thought to distort a company's true operating performance. "


1. Yahoo called it world's first 'Branded Knowledge Video Search'. The objective of this campaign was rather open ended – dispel the myth that model-like straight black hair is the ultimate symbol of beauty. Identify the brand been advertised?

When fabric majors Dupont and 3M decided to bring their wrinkle-free and stain-free fabric to India, which Indian Brand they chose to launch the product?

In tune with the environment, in the 1980s, rather ahead of the pack, they planted 10,000 hectares of sustainable pine forest in Brazil to provide pencil-wood. Built a big natural-rubber factory in Malaysia to supply the erasers. And in 1993 introduced a non-toxic water-based lacquer for the pencils, a comfort for those who insist on chewing as they create.

1. Who am I ?

2. Ad Mad Ki duniya

3. What is the significance of this picture?

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