
Desi Brand

TATA Crucible Quiz Indore

  1. What feet in 2007 Cricket world cup earned a donation of $1 Million to the habitat for humanity house project put up by world cup by Johnnie Walker.
  2. In an advertising aimed at children , which 100 year old logo is replaced by an animated dog named Gromit?
  3. The imposition of extra curbs by US on clothing export from which clothing country is called “BRA Wars”?
  4. The orange color in the brand stand for its bold , vibrant & youthful nature . The brown below it represent coffe beans , who are we talking about?
  5. AD of AXE effect
  6. How do we know the American Oil company started in 1875 as the Continental Oil & Transportation Company today?
  7. Honda has a vehicle named wow, expand wow?
  8. Which Indian Company logo is called as vasundhara
  9. The founder of this brand commission the sculpture Edward Erickson to creat the statue of the little Mermaid at the Copenhage harbour?
  10. The general theory of employment in interest & money bokk by whom ?
  11. Which Michael Moore tells the story of how GM let down on its losses by laying off many workers without any regard to those who lost their jobs?
  12. Who’s the author of the book “ Screw it Let’s Do it “
  13. Which Co. pioneer the concept of Friendship day ?
  14. Which brand has lent its name to the corner seats in the cinema halls, which are branded as ___ corner?
  15. Logo of Whirlpool
  16. For which famous British Scientist did the electrical engineer Colonol Kookes Crompton , who founded Crompton Greeves used to work?
  17. Who set up the little princess foundation in 2001 to look into the nutritional , social & emotional needs of the girls in India?
  18. It was introduced in 1926 & marketed as white , pure soap for women & was later focus on complexion?
  19. what does AM in ABN AMRO means?
  20. Old logo of WWW
  21. In 1955, the firat fortune 500 list was produce , which co. top the list?
  22. Which Co. will be the first to introduced memory chips , which is to be used in mobile?
  23. Nestle packaged drinking water brand?
  24. SKoda started where , name of the country?
  25. AD for Platinum as jewellry

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