
Brand Update

Desi Brand

Tata Crucible Campus Lucknow few questions from final round

Few Questions from the final round

1."Math Class is tough" were the first talking words uttered by whom.These words created a furore in in US , Europe etc,whom are we talking about 

2.This personality had a list "Bury me with a pack of Camel Cigarettes" Who said this 

3.Launched in 2006,run by the Sunshine Press it claims a database of 1.4 million within a year of its launch.What are we talking about

4.Connect : Anchor Earth - Wave Combine - Parini Dawe - Anand Shyam 

5.What term was coined from the practise of breaking of benches.The market place used to have benches on which people tolled their money, wrote their bills of exchange,when a person failed his bench was broken.Hence this word

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